A question arises with almost each of you which is better “Classroom training or online training”. The answer is not direct. It depends on you on which serves your need. We will help you with some information and opinion which will help you in deciding which mode to go with.

Read below to have an in-depth look at the pros and cons of classroom training vs. online training.


Audience engagement

Nothing can be better than speaking directly to the instructor as there is a mix of verbal communication and non-verbal communication like body language, expressions, hand gestures etc. But, few online methods of teaching like webinars have also encompassed this feature of non-verbal communication.

We believe that audience engagement is more in classroom training in comparison to virtual training.


Adaptability of training

An online training is designed for many individuals but they are designed such that all can have a resource for self. It means that a student can study an online course at his own comfort. He can skip the topics he has already mastered and can study difficult and interesting topics as many times as he wants.

Classroom training is meant for a bunch of students so it is more restrictive in terms of topics to be taught. But, it offers two way communication and discussions with has its own benefits.

Overall, adaptability of training is much better in virtual training.



Online training containing recorded videos and content based study materials and evaluation can be accessed anytime and anywhere having an internet connection.

Live training either webinar or classroom training follow a specific schedule and students have to be present at the given time. If some students is not able to attend classes, they miss that topic.

So, online training is more convenient compared to live training.



Using online training, we can cater to an unlimited audience without involving any other travel costs. Once created, it can be used for a longer period. On the other hand, classroom training can be costly in terms to instructor being available for every class and travelling to that place physically.


Protected learning

Virtual learning being accessible anywhere leads to problem of interruptions. Usually the online training are accessed by student at home and interruptions are common. So, this switching of tasks leads to productivity loss.

But, classroom training have a different atmosphere where you can absorb the content. Your instructor can monitor the learning and environment.   


Concluding, we can say that both online learning and classroom learning have its own pros and cons. Best approach is to go for a blended learning approach which is a mix of classroom and online learning. It is most fruitful out of all available approaches. So, we would recommend to give it a try.

Try Digverve blended learning management solutions.